The home overlooks the marsh. This is a pretty time of year when the hills are still green - they will be brown soon as we move into warmer weather. The Larkspur ferry shuttles back and forth down there - theoretically P's new commute. While we were here we saw a deer grazing on the hill below just a few feet away - apparently a common sight.
Monday, March 22, 2010
view from the deck @ new home
This is looking westward towards Mount Tampalpais from the deck of our soon to be new home.
Here's my little blondie determined to get that ball. Yay! I was struck when I looked at my batch of photos from the game this weekend how we have such a multi-racial team. We have more little blondies this season than before but we also have black, hispanic, arabic, and asian and within the anglos we have russian, danish, and irish (complete with parental accents to go with their countries of origin). At the kids' new school it will be about 85% white - the teams will look a bit different I suspect. I'll miss San Francisco.
This one just cracks me up. J (the girl) is a great athlete and SO competitive. She made several big leaps like the opposing boy is doing here during the game and stopped the ball. I hope we have more sunny days to look forward to as the light down at this end of the field is quite lovely in the late afternoon with the wall beyond in shadow.
wanting the ball
I love the look on Y's face - I got several fun ones of him from the game. He has become a real force on the team and really wants the ball.