The allure of ties.
Pete and I have always chuckled over a picture of two from his childhood of Pete and his stairstepping older brothers all dressed up in jackets and ties for their birthday parties. Can you imagine? Turns out my sons can. A couple of weeks back we were dashing thru the mall searching for something forgettable that we didn't find. We did, however, find kids ties on sale. Quincy landed one that is pre-tied but adjustable around the neck. Aidan got a regular, albeit small, tie. They often wear them around the house. I also have a terrible time finding pants that fit Aidan, but recently did just invest in a few pair of dress type pants that fit. He now often dresses up around the house complete with belt and tie. He begs for me to buy him a dress jacket every time we pass the kiddie ones at a store. Target has them for only about $30 so I supposed I could consider buying him one - but I just can't imagine he'd actually wear it! He was all dressed up the morning of Aidan's party but then decided to dress down a bit when it came time for the party - off came the pants and belt and on went zip-off pants, the button down was unbuttoned, and off came the tie. Quincy however wore his tie. He doesn't have the whole look down like his brother - he wore it with fleece sweats and his shirt unbloused, but he was happy.
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