The boys had an overnight at their friend Zac's house (Zac is a classmate of Aidan's). Ryan was there too. Pete and I had a lovely dinner down at EOS in their absence. Aidan wasn't sure he wanted to stay overnight, Quincy was sure he did. They headed out with sleeping bags "just in case" and a pair of Wii remotes. I understand there were HOURS of Wii, Club Penguin on the PC and perhaps a little DS Lite thrown in. Also my kids were the ones early to bed at 11ish and were up before 7. They are currently both down for naps - Aidan protested vigorously but they weren't getting along and we are heading out for a party tonite and their cousins Ellie and Maggie will be coming home with us for a sleepover - another night of much too little sleep - and school starts on Monday. Pete has tried to wake them up to no avail...
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